Opening a brand-new school…
A snapshot into what my life has been like (along with a description of the workload) with opening a brand-new school.
And on the 3rd day, she took off.
Sharing on the importance of taking a mental health day (or two) off from work when you need it most.
Hello, Kuwait! مرحبا الكويت!
Find out about my move to Kuwait, my new position/promotion, my personal & professional growth, and how I deal with imposter syndrome.
Respect your roots.
From preferring to play school instead of dolls as a child, learn all about my journey as an educator, and a tribute to those who have guided me along the way.
Distance Learning: What do we do now?
Find out how my school handled distance and virtual learning when forced to dismiss students due to coronavirus.
Who is “The Bossy Principal"?
A glimpse into who I am as a "bossy" principal, but also as a growing individual.